
Wanted Series

These files were produced by Camille and Camal and were shown beside each piece from WANTED in their Latcham Centre exhibition in 2019. Each video includes a scan of the original archival ads that the artists drew from as well as a performative reading of the ads.


Family Matters,



11:00 (M:S), 6144 x 3160 6K Video.

Video Installation Structure

7’x4’x9’, structural steel, brass, iron wrought chairs, dual parabolic speaker system


House of Bâby

House of Bâby is a portrait of eighteen Black and Indigenous people who were enslaved by the Bâby family of Toronto, Windsor and Detroit. Although their unpaid labour produced great wealth for the family, they were recognized only as property and were unacknowledged in official historical narratives.

Camal Pirbhai and Camille Turner brought this group to life by representing them amongst the everyday bustling crowd of this country’s busiest hub. Union Station’s majestic architecture symbolizes stability and civic pride but it is the people who are responsible for its strength.  

House of Bâby 2021

We would like to acknowledge:

City of Toronto

Funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario. Ontario Arts Council (OAC)